عنوان الموضوع : English paragraph about stress في الامارات
مقدم من طرف منتديات بيت الامارات النسائي

السلام عليكم

اتمنى تساعدوني بكتابه براجرافات عن المواضيع الموجوده بالكتاب ,,,,,,,,

يعني أي حد عنده موضوع أو يقدر يكتب موضوع أو كتب يحطه هني ,,

عشان الكل يستفيد

على الاقل نشوف الجمل وكيف تنكتب ...

وحتى ممكن يساعدنا بـ

واتمنى تثبيت الموضوووع وتفاعلكم وياي

>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<

>>>> الرد الأول :

راح أبدأأ بدايه معاكم


هالموضوع اللي لقيت عنه ...

Success can really be defined in many ways. Whatever personal meaning you have for success, what is important is that you do your best to achieve your goals, you abide by the rules of life and you use your skills to the fullest.
* Success is being a Company’s Executive.
Some people define success as getting to the top of the career ladder. They aim to be one of the company’s executives who can make critical decisions for the company and their employees.
There are people who work hard to achieve this goal. They associate being the top executive as having the authority and the respect of their subordinates. They feel that they have achieved enough if their skills were recognized and they were promoted to the highest positions in the company
* Success is getting your Dream Job.
There are people whose goals are to get their dream job. Due to the difficulty in finding a job these days, people settle to work in a job that they don’t even like. Some even decide to get a job that is not even related to their field of study or their interests.
After spending time in that job, or being able to provide for the family or send the kids to school, these people try to find opportunities in their chosen field. Many times, these people do not even consider how much they will be paid, or if they will be rejected since they will be neophytes in their chosen field.
They feel that their ultimate goal is being able to do what they love to do. However, only few people discover what they love to do early in life. Lucky are those young people who started working in the path to their dream job. There are also people who spend so much time in one career only to discover later on that they wanted to do something else.
* Success is being able to Share
Idealists can define achieving success when they have the knowledge and the wisdom that they can share to their colleagues and the rest of the world. Volunteers describe success as being able to share what they have without thinking what they can get in return.
*Some ways to be success:
Plan, plan, plan Good planning and knowing where you're going is 80 percent of your project's success, while the other 20 percent is the actual work, Eriksson says. The planning phase should include a project map with a list of all team members, individual responsibilities, their contact information, and whom they report to and when.

Create the team you need Start small, say, with two or three team members and grow from there. Recruit diverse people with different abilities. Create an environment that encourages teamwork

Manage yourself. Plan your time and keep yourself healthy by eating well and taking plenty of exercise.

Truth. Be honest with yourself. Did you really spent two hours doing your homework or did you spend an hour and a half talking to your friend on the phone and half an hour on your homework ?
Vision “an idea about what the future could be like “.You must be able to clearly see what you want. Your vision must be clear and detailed.
Finally You should work hard to make balance in our society. Being a successful project manager doesn't happen overnight, Eriksson says. "But almost every job-related experience can add to your mastery and excellence in project management,"

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>>>> الرد الثاني :

لو سمحتو

لازم الكل يستفيد ...

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>>>> الرد الثالث :

يسلمووووووووووووووووووووووووو وربي كنت محتاجة له

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>>>> الرد الرابع :

مششششششششششششششششششششكور دمت ذخرا للمجتمع

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>>>> الرد الخامس :



العفو العفو العفو
ونتو مب ناويين نتساعد مع بعض

يالله اللي عنده يحط


انــــــــــا ابى برجراف عن ال dormitory

يعني الفرق بين الدراسه في الداخل والخارج

الايجابيات والسلبيات لوسمحتووو اباه ضرووري