عنوان الموضوع : اريد الامتحان فصل دراسي الاول في الامارات
مقدم من طرف منتديات بيت الامارات النسائي

اريد الامتحان فصل دراسي الاول


>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<

>>>> الرد الأول :


__________________________________________________ __________

>>>> الرد الثاني :

ا ن ا ب ع د م ح ت ا ج ه ا ل ي ع ن د ه
يلا الي فيه الخير يرتب و يعرف مطلبي و ينفذه اوكي بليز باااااااااي

__________________________________________________ __________

>>>> الرد الثالث :

مي تو اي ونت

__________________________________________________ __________

>>>> الرد الرابع :

Wishah Basic School /boys
Parade 6
Unit Two / My Time
Word Meaning Word Meaning
Chore عمل يومي روتيني Shop دكان/ يتسوق
Garbage قمامة wash يغسل
Homework واجب Make the bed يرتب السرير
Supper طعام العشاء Riddle لغز/أحجية
Mow يجزا لعشب Coin قطعة نقد معدنية
Lawn المرج الأخضر Free time وقت الفراغ
Sweep يكنس Music موسيقى
Free غير مشغول Pet حيوان أليف
Chess شطرنج Soccer كرة القدم
Club نادي Video فيديو
Grocery store متجر/ بقالة Game لعبة
Piano بيانو Bowl زبدية/قدر صغير
Schedule برنامج Collect يجمع
Once ,twice مرة , مرتين soup حساء/ شوربة
Take care of يعتني ب Garden حديقة
Birth مولد Paint يرسم بالألوان/دهان
Chart لوحة Read يقرأ
Half نصف Care for يرغب ب/يهتم ب
Cook يطبخ Listen to يستمع الى
Average معدل/متوسط Weed the garden يزيل الأعشاب الضارة من الحديقة
Spend (time) يقضي( الوقت) Burn the soup يحرق الحساء
Travel يسافر Share يشارك
Family عائلة Activity نشاط
Father أب Dream يحلم / حلم
Mother أم rest استراحة
Brother أخ Set the table يعد/ يجهز المائدة
Sister أخت
fix يصلح

__________________________________________________ __________

>>>> الرد الخامس :

There are many wonderful places to visit in the world. The UAE is one of these beautiful places as it has many cities and places that have interesting things make people visit it every summer. Dubai is on of the most popular place in the UAE, H.H Mohamed Bin Rashid is the governor. It has a wonderful tower is called Burj Al-Arab. It attracts a lot of people to spend a good time in it as they can go under the gulf and see the world under the water but it is an expensive place as you must have a ticket that is nearly cost 300 Dhs. Besides that you must book the ticket one week before going there. Abu Dhabi is also the second wonderful place in UAE, H.H Khalifa Bin Zayed is the governor and the president. In it you can go to the gulf and spend good time on the beach or walking on Cornish and see the beautiful scene of sunset. In Al-Ain you can visit Al-Hosn Palace; it is one of its most famous places. People pf the UAE are friendly and has hospitality they are about 3 million. It is a wonderful place on the Arabian Gulf.
A: Choose the correct answer from A, B or C: 4 marks

1-H.H Mohamed Bin Rashid is the governor of ------------------------------------------.
a. Fujairah b. Dubai c. Sharjah
2-UAE is on the ------ --------------------------------.
a. sea b. gulf c. Burj Al-Arab.
3- The word " wonderful" means : ---------------------------------.
a. bad b. beautiful c. famous.
B: What do the underlined words refer to? 6 Marks

1. It (line 9) refers to ---------------------------------------------------.
2- its (line 12) refers to ---------------------------------------------------.
C: Answer the following: 10 Marks
1-Who is the president of the UAE?
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
2-How much is the ticket to go to Burj Al-Arab?
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
3- Where is Al-Hosn Palace?
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
4- Why is Abu Dhabi a beautiful place?
*- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
5- How many people are in the UAE?
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
A- Vocabulary
1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- The word "holiday" means --------------------------------------.
a. trip b. vacation c. journey d. tower.
2- Abu Dhabi is the --------------------------- of UAE.
a. city b. town c. country d. capital.
3- UAE is on the -----------------------------.
a. sea b. golf c. river d. gulf.
4- the word " popular" means ---------------------------------.
a. interesting b. famous c. good d. bad.
5- Al-Hosn is a -----------------------------.
a. river b. place c. palace d. city.
6- Egypt is a --------------------------------.
a. country b. city c. town d. village.
7- H.H Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed is the ------------------------------ of UAE.
a. temple b. president c. official d. man.
8- Eid Al-Etahad is an --------------------------------- vacation.
a. weekly b. capital c. official d. famous.
9- The word " chamber" means -----------------------------.
a. door b. room c. window d. bathroom.
(العرش)10- The king sets next to the ---------------------- on the throne
a. president b. east c. horrors d. queen.
11- The chamber of horrors is a -------------------------- place.
a. beautiful b. frightening c. united d. wide.
12- We went on a -------------------------- yesterday.
a. vacation b. trip c. palm d. car.
13-The UAE is full of -------------------------- tree.
a. short b, palm c. long d. wide.
14- The -------------------------- is surrounded by water from everywhere.
a. river b. lake c. island d. sea.
15- The word " big " means --------------------------------.
a. small b. large c. long d. important.
16- When we travel, we take our ---------------------------.
a. bags b. books c. suitcases d. boots.
17- In winter, we put on -------------------------------.
a. shoes b. sandals c. boots d. sunglasses.
18- I water ------------------------- every day.
a. sand b. cactus c. floor d. boots.
19- The ------------------------ is higher than the hill.
a. land b. lake c. island d. mountain.
20- The sun rises from ----------------------------.
a. east b. south c. north

1- 1- Nasser ---------------- in a bank.
a. work b. worked c. working d. works.
Mice ---------------- cats.
a. chase b. chased c. chases d. chasing.
3- Ali and Hany ---------------- T.V.
a. watching b. watched c. watches d. watch.
4- We ------------------ to Dubai every day.
a. went b. go c. goes d. going.
5- They ------------- to London every year.
a. flying b. fly c. flies d. flied.
6- He always ------------- his home work after school.
a. doing b. do c. does d. did.
7- She usually -------------- dishes after eating.
a. washed b. washes c. washs d. wash.
8- I ---------------- milk every day.
a. drank b. drinks c. drink d. drinking.
9- He always -------------- the ball.
a. catchs b. catch c. caught d. catches.
10- Ahmed and Hany ------------ accountants.
a. am b. is c. are d. works.
11- I will arrive ---------------- 6 o'clock.
a. in b. at c. on d. for.
12- Ali has to -------------------- the lawn.
a. mowed b. mows c. mow d. mowing.
13- Ahmed and Saef -------------------- to do the home work.
a. have b. having c. has d. are.
14- We have to ---------------- the dishes today.
a. washing b. washes c. washed d. wash.
15- My family ----------------- to go to Dubai to visit my uncle.
a. have b. having c. has d. are.
16- They ---------------- visit us tomorrow.
a. is going to b. going to c. are going to d. going.
17- He is going to ---------------- to London next week.
a. flies b. flew c. flying d. fly.
18- We --------------- going to stay in Dubai for two weeks.
a. am b. is c. are d. has.
19- He always -------------------- to music in the afternoon.
a. listens b. listen c. listened d. listening.
20- Hamad ------------------ me to fix the bike yesterday.
a. helps b. helping c. help d. helped.
21- Dahi is ------------------- than Saef.
a. youngest b. young c. younger d. a young.
22- Sultan is ------------------------- Mohamed.
a. older b. old c. older than d. oldest.
23- The bag --------------- than the box.
a. heavyer b. is heavier c. heavier d. is heavy.
24- Hamad is ----------------- than Waleed.
a. fatter b. fater c. fat d. fatter than.
25- She --------------------- her bike two hours ago.
a. ride b. rides c. rode d. riding.
26- I ------------------- a farm two years ago.
a- has b. have c. having d. had.
27- There --------------- some birds on the tree last week.
a. are b. is c. were d. was.
28- There is ----------------- on the desk.
a. pencils b. a pencil c. pencil d. a pencils.
29- There aren't --------------- vegetables in the grocery.
a. some b. a c. any d. no.
30- You can ----------------- to Paris by plane.

30- You can ----------------- to Paris by plane.
a. flew b. flys c. fly d. flies.
31- You should ------------------ good food.
a. ate b. eats c. eating d. eat.
327- He is --------------- his home work.
a. write b. writing c. wrote d. writes.
************************************************** ******************
2- Put the following words into meaningful sentences:

1- has to. * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
2- have to. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
3- am going to. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------.
4- is going to. * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
5- are going to. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------.
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C- Writing Skills.
A- Fill in the missing letters:
 She li – tens to m – sic in her f – ee ti – e.
 Mo _ the la – n , pla – ing c – ess , rea – ing boo – s.
 I s – eep the f – oor by the _ room.
 Sa – urday, s – n – ay , t – ur – day and _ riday are days of the week.
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B- Write three meaningful sentences about what are you going to do next weekend:

1- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
2- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
3- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
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C- Write the following sentence in neat hand cursive:

* Taking care of pets is a good habit.

 ………………………………………………………………………………….
