عنوان الموضوع : بسررررعة طلب مستعجل لا اطنشون اماراتي
مقدم من طرف منتديات بيت الامارات النسائي

ممكن موضوع عن الام

>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<

>>>> الرد الأول :

السموحه بلعربي او النجليزي؟

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>>>> الرد الثاني :

يا يمه احترت بعيدج وش اهديج
فداج عمري وبوسه اطبعها بجبينج
امريني يا يمه الروح كلها تفديج
حياتي ودنيتي ودي احطها بايدينج
وان زعلت اجي بنفسي واراضيج
كيف لا والجنه بكبرها تحت رجلينج

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>>>> الرد الثالث :

ما عندي

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>>>> الرد الرابع :

للاسف ما عندي

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>>>> الرد الخامس :


كم من الحروف والكلمات التي نسجت ، وكم من الجمل والعبارات التي نظمت لتعبر ولو عن
القليل عن هذه الكلمة العظيمة "الأم" .. للأم إسهام كبير ولمسات مضيئة في حياة أبنائها
فلها الشأن الأعظم في إعمار البيوت على اختلافها ولها من النصيب الأكبر في التأثير على أبنائها
بتصرفاتها وطباعها واهتماماتها و كان لأمي في صغرها ميول عديدة ومواهب كثيرة فقد كانت تعشق
القراءة و تربية الاطفال والطبخ.
كانت تقضي معظم وقتها في قراءة القصص الدينيه التي تحكي عن سيرة الرسول وحياة الانبياء ،
اكملت امي تعليم المرحلةالمتوسطه والثانويه الى ان أصبحت معلمة في روضة للاطفال لحبها الشديد لهم وتربيتهم،
فكانت طوال الوقت تجلس معهم ولاتفارقهم حتى في وقت راحتها، وكانت تحب الطبخ كثيرا .
هي ذكريات جميلة حقا عندما تحدثنا عنها وتقصص علينا تلك الحكايات التي تعود بها وبنا إلى الماضي الهادىء.

امي بالنسبة لي هي الصديقة المخلصة التي لن تتمنى لي إلا الخير دائما ، وإن كانت ستسمعني أو
تنصحني فهي نصيحة صادقة من أعماق عذبة طاهرة ، هي الحضن الدافىء الذي ألجأ له ولا أفكر
في سواه حينما احتاج إلى الحنان والعطف والحب الحقيقي . هي الحضن الذي لا أكتم عنه سرا
و أحكي له كل ما يجول في خاطري . فألام هي منبع العطاء الانهائي .نسأل الله تعالى أن يجعلنا من البارين بوالديهم في الدنيا
والآخرة .

وهآ موضوع ثآني بعد
It's my graduation day. I can never believe that I came so far. I look at my mother and see how proud she is of me now. My heart is filled with emotions i can never explain. Mom, what a simple word, yet growing up with her was never easy. My mother gave up her hopes and dreams for the sake of mine, that is why failure was not an option with her. At school, she was highly loved and admired by teachers as well as pupils. She was a very talented student, and she wrote wonderful poetry. She could have achieved so much. She always wanted to be an astronaut, discovering the mysteries of universe. Then she grew up and wanted to be a lawyer, defending the innocent and punishing the guilty, but she never went that far. When she finished high school with flying colours, her gift was a 30 year old husband. She didn't scream or shout, she kept it inside and told her diary everything. Her diary was her best friend, she trusted her so much that she told her all her secrets, starting from the lonely nights she spent waiting for my father, till the day he came home with another woman telling her that she is to serve her as she serves him. She didn't shout or scream. She just looked at him and went to sleep in my bed room. I still feel her tears on my cheek as she held me tight to her weak body. I became her universe now, my smiles were her stars and my success was her galaxy. I gave her hard time but I never once suspected that she didn't love me.
Now as I am about to take my first step into adulthood, here she is, with tearful eyes and proud smile telling me that I did it. My mom, my friend, my universe. I can never trust any one as I trust her knowing that she will never judge me nor abandon me. I know that if I slip, she'll be there to hold me. I know that I can rely on her support and love no matter what my choices in life are. I don't know how she managed through life with all its miseries, but I know that at one time I was her strength as she is mine now. She is the one I look up to and wish that one day I will be just like her. A strong beautiful woman who took life's lemons and made me a wonderful tasty lemonade.

وهآ تفسير ذآك آلموضوع آلي عن آلــآم بآلعربي

How many characters and words that wove How many sentences and phrases organized to reflect even
Little about the great word "mother" .. A significant contribution to the mother and touches her children luminous life
It may matter most in the reconstruction of houses and different from the main influence on their children
Actions and the Taballa and concerns and my mother had a small tendencies in many Talents and many were the beholder
Reading, *****ng and raising children.
Most of the time reading stories to tell about religious biography of the Prophet and the lives of the prophets,
Lamy completed Almrahlpalmtosth and secondary education to become a teacher in a kindergarten for children with deep love and education,
Were sitting with them all the time and Agahm even in her leisure time, and the like *****ng a lot.
Is really beautiful memories of when we have talked about, we Tqss those stories back to the past and our region.

Lamy friendly for me is not sincere good wishes for me always, but Stzmni or
They recommend a sincere advice from the depths of pure, sweet, warm by Cuddles is the spiral is not thinking
In the other when I need compassion, kindness and true love. Cuddles is not secretly by Oktm
And tell him everything in my mind wanders. The pain is the source of the tender by her. We ask God Almighty to us from their parents in the world Albarren
And in the Hereafter