عنوان الموضوع : تقرير عن My Favorites sport
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ممكن تحطولي تقرير عن

My Favorites sport
ضروري أبغيه اليوم بليييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييز
أنا محتاجتنه و إن شاء الله يكون في ميزان حسناتكم

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>>>> الرد الأول :

أربع مشاهدين و محد فيكم يقدر يحط تقرير ... و لو صفحة

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>>>> الرد الثاني :

My favorite Sport.
I want to write about my favorite sport and it is Taekwondo. It has been my favorite sport for almost four years, and it still is, even though I’m not practicing it anymore.
I want to tell about the history of Taekwondo, how it is today, and how you play it.
Taekwondo which is a martial art, was invented in South Korea, many years ago.
It is difficult to say, exactly when it was invented, but it was more than 4000 years ago.
Somebody says that Taekwondo came from China, but the truth is, that it was another martial art, Soo Bak, which reminds very much about Taekwondo that came in the same year, and it looks like Taekwondo in many ways.
In the year 37 years before Christ, Taekwondo became a reality. There was a war between 3 kingdoms; Koguryo, Baekje and Silla. Silla was the smallest one, and they had to do more than the other in order not to loose the war. They developed Taekwondo, and they used it so they could even kill a man with it!
Taekwondo had been in the world before the war between the 3 kingdoms, but in the " Silla-war" it was really used.
More and more thought Taekwondo was good, and they wanted to know more about it. They learned what Taekwondo was, and all the good and bad things about it, and it became a martial art.
Then some people from Korea, moved to Europe, and told about the new sport.
Germany was one of the first countries, which were interested in Taekwondo, then it moved to other countries and The USA.
Now it is a world-famous sport.
In Denmark there are many clubs, there are about 300, and in Esbjerg there are two clubs; Esbjerg City Taekwondo (the club I joined) and Cheong Young (it means the dragon).
How to do
I can tell something about kicks, and what they’re against.
"Ap chagi" is a front kick, you can kick in the head and the stomach. "Ap" means front, and "chagi" means kick.
"yeuop chagi" is a side kick, you can kick your challenger in the side, in the kidney or on the hip…
It was some of the basic kicks for Taekwondo. There are many other kicks and knocks, but the two kicks are the most important kicks in Taekwondo, and if you’re going into a fight.
In the fight
You have to put on riot gear, when you’re in a fight, because you can get vey hurt.
You can kick in the stomach, ot the fightvest, and then you score one point.
The rules are:
Don’t kick in the head!
Don’t bite or hold in the challenger’s clothes.
And do not go back, then you will loose points!
Taekwondo means: Tae=foot, kwon=fist, and do means the art, or the way to the art…
Conclusion: The foot and the fist way to the art!

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>>>> الرد الثالث :

مشكور و قصرت

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>>>> الرد الرابع :

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>>>> الرد الخامس :