عنوان الموضوع : براجراف عن الاصدقاء بسرعة في الامارات
مقدم من طرف منتديات بيت الامارات النسائي

أريد براجرف عن الاصدقاء والصداقة بالانجليزي اليوم بسرعة إذا أمكن وأشكركم على مجهودكم مقدما وجعله الله في ميزان حسناتكم .

>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<

>>>> الرد الأول :

Friendship word small in size large in significance and in its meaning and content , is the most beautiful thing in the presence of a relationship is also a humanitarian upscale , are an expression of human connection and the splendor of the great masterpieces of integration and interdependence between human beings and is also the essence of the human and certified .
It is a strong psychological association between two people , and is considered a commercial transaction between two parties are sympathetic , and be Arbunha love and cooperation, sincerity and mutual trust between the two parties .
Friendship is priceless not measured by any measure , and weighed eBay bushels It's bigger than all these things , that one could not live alone and in isolation from the others , but needs help friend to stand by his side , and evil forms of poverty, poverty of a friend and a man slows when choosing a friend but of sound mind and logic and accurate understanding .

The value of friendship humane moral and religious meanings and great sublime beauty with great respect that transcends life and elevate and descend without friendship 0 of honesty , truthfulness and lying opposite . The friend is honesty and an enemy of your enemy . It is a close relationship between two or more reciprocal relationship and harmony in the whole feelings and emotions , a very important person in the stability and development of society 0

Because God created man a social being can not live alone , but interacts with the positive around him to form an integrated society 0 to give it a feeling of warmth and friendship, love and comfort in his life , especially if it improves the choice of those who understand the jewels of life is supposed to improve and differentiate them from solving Earth

0 because the semiconductor friend and friendship quickly ending the bad end of the water or soap bubble
Friendship is make life beautiful because they serve the soul , body and mind 0

We acquire friends and work to preserve them as Imam of the faithful peace be upon him in an interview :

( You Ikhwan honesty , more than they gain , they at several prosperity , and the Commission when affliction ) 0
0 known that the lack of friendships and relationships with people and friends generates depression , illness, stress and a lot of health problems and psychological 0 and sit alone penalty physical and psychological harsh exercised by the authorities to the violator of the law and exposed her not a friend of his in proverbs and sayings said ( friend and comrade by the way) and the words of the poet :

My friend from Iqasmona winner
The aim of hostility threw me

And which can protect me if I left him
And I hope to Deputy decade

هذا براجراف عن الصداقة أتمنى أن ينال إعجابج و سوري ع التاخير

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>>>> الرد الثاني :

مـإأقصصرتي إأآختييه بنت الاامـإأرإأت3 ,, سسلمت يدإأج حبيبتي ,,

والى الامـإأم د إأأئمـإأ ,,

بالتوفيق للجميـع

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>>>> الرد الثالث :

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة العريمية
مـإأقصصرتي إأآختييه بنت الاامـإأرإأت3 ,, سسلمت يدإأج حبيبتي ,,

والى الامـإأم د إأأئمـإأ ,,

لا ولو هذا واجبنا و لازم انلبي طلباتهم

شكرا العريمية

بالتوفيق للجميـع

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>>>> الرد الرابع :

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>>>> الرد الخامس :

مشكورة على ردك

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